Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The bike tutorial we did for our first assignment took us like 3-4 weeks. This took me about 5 hours. Its nice to see progress! Also speed tree is out for sure. I will try the UDK version in class tomorrow and see if I can get anything to export from there, if not its hand modeled trees for me.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

So what have I been up to?

Well. I have been working in speed tree, figuring it out. I now have a tree made, but I don't know whether or not I am going to be able to export it into maya. Apparently the trial version removes polygons from the model while exporting it? Heres my tree.
 And I am also working on a bike to throw into my scene. I know, I know, its another bike. I am not doing another bike because thats all I know how to model. I AM doing a bike because I think it fits well in my scene. I was also thinking about doing a kids go kart type thing, like the old vintage metal ones, but it would be too simplistic. I want to continue to challenge myself and pack my scene full of quality models. Here is my work so far on that.

Sunday, March 4, 2012



Recliner bottom!

Beginning of crate!
Now I am taking a break from modeling and finishing up some videos on rendering per Jeff's instructions.  This explains why the scene hasn't made any major strides in a while. The videos are pretty informative so far.